15th Anniversary of the Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion & Support of Breastfeeding

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      Photos contributed by Rebecca Magalhaes

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Hedy Nuriel and Marian Tompson, Co-Founder, LLLI, present the Scroll for Innocenti 15th Anniversary that was signed by participants at the July/06 LLLI Conference in Washington DC, USA.

Committee members working on the text of the Innocenti Declaration; Miriam Labbok at the computer

La Leche League Leaders/LLL of Italy with (at far right) Rebecca Magalhaes, Director, External Relations & Advocacy, LLLI

Hedy Nuriel, Executive Director, La Leche League International – LLLI display table.

Professor M. Q-K Talukder, Chairman, Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation, signing the LLLI Conference Scroll

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Innocenti + 15...15th Anniversary of the Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding

